Introduction to Chinese Characters Tri-Cities Chinese Language School will offer two free lessons on September 28th and October 5th...
My Amazing Time in China by William Chian
I attended the Chinese Bridge Summer Camp from July 17 to August 1 this year. First off, I would like to thank the people that made this...
China in my eyes by George Zhang
Most people might think that going to school on vacation is boring or is not fun. However, on this trip, it was different than you would...
转瞬间,为期半个月的“汉语桥”中学生夏令营活动已经结束一个多月了。三镇中文学校的两名学生也安然回到学校正常上课。但是每次提及此次夏令营,他们总是激动不已,难以忘怀。 “汉语桥”中学生夏令营活动是由中国汉办组织,每年暑期举办,为期半个月。主要为学生免费提供汉语课程、中国文化课...
Mrs. Guo memorial service held on Sep.20, 2014 Mrs. Guo passed away to be with the Lord on Sep.19, 2014. The memorial service for Mrs....
Night With the Arts Celebration at WSUTC
Artworks by Children from Yichien's Art Studio will be displayed at CIC 120, from 6-8 pm, September 25. Percussionist Mr. Cree will be...
2014中秋嘉年华活动圆满举行 2014 Mid-Autumn Celebration held successfully
三镇华美协会于2014年9月6日下午在 Howard Amon Park成功举行了“三镇月,中华情”2014三镇华人中秋嘉年华活动。三镇的华人朋友们相聚在美丽的哥伦比亚湖畔,共庆中秋佳节! 本次嘉年华活动不仅有给大家呈现了多姿多彩的文艺表演,同时还有猜谜语、儿童游乐园等活动...
口腔健康讲座 “你的人生, 你的微笑”Seminar "Your Life, Your Smile"
亲爱的三镇华人朋友: 方义玉医师和张倩医师将联合举办免费牙科讲座 “你的人生, 你的微笑”。方义玉医师主讲“口腔矫形美容,及其对面容和笑容的改变”,张倩医师主讲“口腔保健知识”。欢迎任何感兴趣的朋友参加。 时间:九月13 号下午2:00 - 4:00(星期六)...