Night With the Arts Celebration at WSUTC
Artworks by Children from Yichien's Art Studio will be displayed at CIC 120, from 6-8 pm, September 25.
Percussionist Mr. Cree will be performing in the room to celebrate the arts made by future artists. All is welcome!
Thursday, Sept. 25 • 6–8 p.m. • WSU Tri-Cities
2710 Crimson Way, Richland • • (509) 372-7264
North on George Washington Way, pass Hanford High, turn right on Sprout Road
Four Art Exhibitions
Chancellor’s Art Exhibition (East Building)
WSU Tri-Cities Student Art Exhibition Life in Motion (West Atrium)
Adjunct Professor Yichien Cooper Artists of the Future Exhibition (CIC 120)
Art Center Exhibition Wood Creations (CIC 102)
Live Music
Mid-Columbia Symphony Quartet (East Building)
RedVolt (West Atrium)
Bizarre Love Triangle (West Atrium)
Tumble Down Badger (West Atrium)
Christopher Cree, percussionist from Mid-Columbia Symphony (CIC 120)
Performing Artists (West Atrium)
Plein Air Artist WSU Tri-Cities Alumna Melanie Thompson (East Building)
WSU Tri-Cities StudentArt Prints available for purchase (West Atrium)
Free hors d’oeuvres & ice cream compliments of the Country Gentleman for first 100 guests. Free and open to the public.