2014中秋嘉年华活动圆满举行 2014 Mid-Autumn Celebration held successfully
三镇华美协会于2014年9月6日下午在 Howard Amon Park成功举行了“三镇月,中华情”2014三镇华人中秋嘉年华活动。三镇的华人朋友们相聚在美丽的哥伦比亚湖畔,共庆中秋佳节!
本次嘉年华活动不仅有给大家呈现了多姿多彩的文艺表演,同时还有猜谜语、儿童游乐园等活动,为三镇华人增添了节日的欢乐!本次活动感谢家园餐厅(Family Garden)的大力支持,感谢所有演职人员的热情参与及积极帮助,感谢三镇华人的积极配合!
本次活动照片已经整理完毕,请大家点击此处链接查看: https://plus.google.com/110858536026234943632/posts
2014 Mid-Autumn Celebration has been held successfully by TCCAA at Howard Amon Park on the afternoon of September 6th. All TCCAA members gathered together to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival at the beautiful bank of Columbia River.
We enjoyed the wonderful performance, played riddles, and had a great time. Our kids had lots of fun in the bounce houses.
Thanks to Family garden for its support. Thanks to all who played in the performance. Thanks to everyone who helped and attended the celebration. It was an amazing success and we couldn't do it without your help.
Please click the following link for the wonderful moment captured by photographers, Zhe Feng and Xiang Wang: