TCCAA Yearly Membership (会员年费)
Family Membership can cover a whole household. The current rate is approximately $60 for family members with a household size up to 4, and $80 for family members with a household size bigger than 4 (TBD for 2023 ). (2023家庭年费大约为$60/年 或 $80/年)
Individual Membership only covers one person. The current rate is approximately $30 (TBD for 2023). (个人年费大约为$30/年)
Our membership comes with: (会员福利)
year-round events access (免费参加协会活动)
Dragon boat festival dumplings (端午节派发粽子)
Mid-autumn moon cakes (中秋节派发月饼)
New Year Gala buffet (新年晚会晚餐)
Non-members are charged for each events. Dumplings, moon cakes, and buffet dinner before the New Year Gala can be purchased at each event if extra is available. (非协会会员需缴费参加协会活动,购买粽子,月饼以及新年晚餐)
You can choose one of the two following methods to join TCCAA:
1) Online registration: (网路注册)
Please fill out the online registration form (click here), and send your membership fee via Paypal or check.
1.1 Paypal payment: Please send the membership fee to, and make a note as "2023 Membership" with your name.
(Paypal付款: 请将会员费送达以下账户:,并烦请在备注中注明"2023 Membership"及您的姓名)
1.2 Personal check: Please send your check to the following address:
(支票付款: 请将支票邮寄至一下地址:)
TCCAA - Membership
P.O. Box 786,
Richland, WA, 99352
2) On-site registration: (活动现场注册)
We will have on-site registration available during our events throughout the year. Please find our table during the events.
If you have any questions toward our membership, please send us an email from the form below. (如果您有任何疑问,请用如下表格与我们取得联系)