优秀毕业生奖学金捐款倡议书(Call for Scholarship Donations)
Dear Friends,
Young people are the key assets for the future of the society. Each year Tri-Cities Chinese American Association (TCCAA) has the tradition to award excellent high school graduates with scholarship on Mother’s Day. Such an effort not only acknowledges the students’ outstanding achievements but also encourages them to continuously study hard in the college and make contributions to the world. However, the scholarship would not be possible without your generous donations. Because of your support, in 2011 TCCAA received four thousand and three hundred dollars. This year, we are sincerely looking forward to your continued support.
If you would like to donate, cash can be accepted, or please write a check payable to "TCCAA" and indicate "Scholarship Donations" at the memo section. One envelop is included in the mail, which you can use to mail your check back to TCCAA P.O. box.
You are also cordially invited to attend the church service starting at 9:45 am followed by the scholarship award ceremony on Mother’s Day (May 13, 2012). The event will be held in the Tri-Cities Chinese Alliance Church. The address is 2004 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99354.
Should you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to let us know. Thank you for your support!
2012 TCCAA Board Members:
宋颖 yingsong1981@gmail.com
刘国鹏 guopeng.liu@pnnl.gov
李彬 bin.li@pnnl.gov
李福亮 liflshao@yahoo.com
屈毅 Yi.Qu@pnnl.gov