尊敬的华美协会会员: 按照习俗,三镇华美协会今年将继续颁发中学毕业生奖学金以及评选本年度的优秀华人华裔中学毕业生。我们是非营利性组织,奖学金来源于会员,社团组织和个人的赞助。在此,我们衷心感谢您对三镇华美协会中学生奖学金的贡献。如果您家有高中生将于今年夏天毕业,而且您的孩子...
优秀毕业生奖学金捐款倡议书(Call for Scholarship Donations)
Dear Friends, Young people are the key assets for the future of the society. Each year Tri-Cities Chinese American Association (TCCAA)...
优秀毕业生奖学金捐款倡议书(Call for Scholarship Donations)
Dear Friends, Young people are the key assets for the future of the society. Each year Tri-Cities Chinese American Association (TCCAA)...