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端午节活动 dragon boat festival event

大家好: 6月20日是端午节,同时这个周末也是父亲节的周末。让我们相约在一起,共同庆祝这两个节日。 时间:6月20日上午11点到下午2点 地点:Howard Amon Park, North Shelter (请注意是公园的北面,具体位置请看地图:附件第二页)。 上午11点到下午1点:午餐(Potluck),请大家分享自己的拿手菜。我们将在11点左右开始分发粽子(会员及家人每人免费分一个;非会员:$5一个)

下午1点到2点:各种游戏,同时我们准备了卡拉OK,请大家带着自己最喜欢的歌曲(iphone下载天籁K歌,然后下载自己喜欢的歌曲);也可以发信告诉我们,我们可以提前下载。 Dear All,

June 20th is the Dragon Boat Festival and Father's day weekend, and let's celebrate together.

Time: June 20th 11:00 am to 2:00 pm

Location: Howard Amon Park, North Shelter

We will have potluck lunch together from 11:00 am to 1:00 pm. Zong-zi will be provided and each TCCAA member (including their families) can get one Zong-zi for free.

Different activities including KTV will be hosted from 1:00 pm to 2:00 pm.



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