亲爱的三镇朋友们: 大家好! 在刚刚过去的三镇春节联欢晚会上,大家度过了一个愉快的夜晚。这场晚会的成功是在近三百名演员、志愿者的辛勤付出下,更重要的是在每位观众朋友的支持下实现的。在接下来的一年里,我们将继续组织各种活动,丰富社区生活,真诚邀请您和您的家人继续和我们一起,参与到属于咱们自己的每次活动中。三镇华美协会真诚感谢您一直以来的支持和信任!
三镇华美协会已成立40周年,在这近半个世纪的发展历程中,正是每个人不懈地支持,才使得咱们协会不断发展壮大,也使得咱们的会员遍及世界各地。无论您现在依然在三镇,还是已经离开这个让您难以忘怀的地方,亲爱的朋友,三镇永远是您的家,三镇永远欢迎您. 当您放下琐事,漫步在哥伦比亚河畔时,是不是为三镇的自然美景所陶醉;当您在端午节时,收到志愿者亲手包的粽子时,是不是被三镇华人社区的温馨和真诚所感动,当您和家人、朋友一起欣赏我们自导自演的春晚精彩节目时,是不是感受到了家的温暖?多少次,我们也在询问,为什么三镇人如此和睦相处?为什么三镇人会真挚地为素昧平生的人伸出援手?为什么这种感觉不是随处可见?那是一种家的温馨、家的力量,每位三镇人早已把这儿当成一个家,每个人都是这个大家庭中不可或缺的一员。亲爱的朋友,这个大家庭,需要每位家庭成员的付出。您的任何资助,都将完完全全地用到三镇人民身上;您的任何资助,都是对这个大家庭的莫大支持。多年来,会员及各界朋友的慷慨捐助是华美协会成功举办各类活动的必要保障。在此,我们再一次对曾经无数次给三镇华美协会捐款的朋友们表达我们最真挚的感谢,您的支持是对我们最大的鼓励。 在新的一年里,华美协会理事会希望能够得到大家一如既往的支持,共同建设更加美好的家园。在2015年,我们将把您的捐款用于以下主要活动及各种文体活动:
· 亚洲文化节展览及表演(2015.5)
· 母亲节庆祝活动(2015.5)
· 高中毕业生奖学金颁奖(2015.5)
· 端午节和父亲节庆祝活动(2015.6)
· 夏日野餐(2015.8)
· 中秋节联欢晚会(2015.9)
· 春节联欢晚会(2016.2)
Tri-Cities Chinese American Association
PO Box 786,
Richland, WA 99352 请在支票上注明捐款用途,如“通用”或“奖学金”。支票的接收组织是“TCCAA”。
非常感谢您对促进三镇文化多元化和增进不同文化社区间的交流所给予的支持。如果您对募捐或者我们的服务有任何意见及建议,请通过电邮 tccaanet@gmail.com 联系我们。您也可以访问我们的网站 www.tccaa.org 来获取更多关于TCCAA的信息。
祝您新的一年万事如意,天天有个好心情。愿您能够体会到这个家的温暖,愿您每天都有一份感动! 2015 三镇华美协会理事会全体成员
Call for Donations
March 18, 2015 Dear Friends, Greetings! We hope you enjoyed our activities and events in the past year. In this year Tri-Cities Chinese American Association (TCCAA) will still invite you and your family to join us and have more fun in all our programs and activities. We appreciate your support and trust as always. Since TCCAA was founded in 1975, with your continuous donations, support and participation, TCCAA has been dedicating in serving the local community, enhancing communication and friendship between members, interacting with diverse communities and promoting Asian cultural exchange, TCCAA activities not only introduce Chinese culture to the Tri-cities area but also bring great entertainment to the local community. We are proud of our work and very grateful of everyone in our community. Each year over one thousand families and friends in Tri-Cities took part in TCCAA events. When you look at your photo albums and recall those happy and touching moments from Mother’s day, Father’s day, the Dragon Boat Festival, the Mid-autumn Festival and the Spring Festival, we do hope you smile from the bottom of your heart. This is simply what TCCAA wants. We want to share your laughter and tears. We want to deliver happiness. We want to be of great help to you. We are always here for everyone. In 2015, TCCAA’s main goal is to expand the influence of our community, enhance the benefit of all members, and increase the interactions with the neighboring communities. We aim to bring better services to our members and to set up a platform to promote strong bonds and interactions not only between members but also between our members and other local communities. We will host several exhibitions to promote Asian culture and have some seminars for new comers in order to help them get used to their new life in Tri-Cities. We believe that we could build up a warm and peaceful community. But one thing for sure is that we cannot achieve these goals without your support and help. During the past years, donations in addition to membership fees have been indispensible to make TCCAA fully functional. In the New Year of Goat, our TCCAA is looking forward to your continuous contribution and donations to help us improve our activities and services. We will mainly use your donations in the following activities:
· Asian Awareness Month Exhibition and Performance (May 2015)
· Mother’s Day Celebration and Potluck (May 2015)
· High-School Graduates Scholarship (May 2015)
· Dragon Boat (Duan Wu) Festival and Father’s Day Celebration (June 2015)
· Summer Picnic (August 2015)
· Mid-Autumn Celebration Party (September 2015)
· Spring Festival Celebration Party (February 2016)
Donations of any amount will be truly appreciated. You may send your donations to Tri-Cities Chinese American Association PO Box 786 Richland, WA 99352 Please indicate on your donation check the specific category that you would like to support, such as “General Donations” or “Scholarship” at the memo section, and make it payable to “TCCAA”. We thank you in advance for supporting the cultural diversity and interactions among different cultural communities in Tri-Cities. Your generosity will play a big role in improving our community. Please do not hesitate to contact us at tccaanet@gmail.com if you have any concerns or comments about the donation, or if you have any suggestions to improve our services. You are more than welcome to visit our website www.tccaa.org for more information about TCCAA. Thank you very much and best wishes to you and your family! Sincerely, 2015 TCCAA Board Members