“三镇月,中华情” 2014三镇华人中秋嘉年华活动
一年一度月轮飞转,当我们又一次抬头问月的时候,中华民族传统的中秋佳节向我们走来了! 三镇华美协会定于2014年9月6日下午在 Howard Amon Park 举行“三镇月,中华情”2014三镇华人中秋嘉年华活动。三镇华美协会邀请您和家人以及朋友与我们一起在美丽的哥伦比亚湖畔诉说心中的思念,传递美好的祝福,共庆中秋佳节!
本次中秋嘉年华活动由儿童游乐园, 猜灯谜、领月饼,文艺表演三部分组成:(1)儿童游乐园给广大小朋友们提供一个尽情释放童年欢乐的游乐场所。儿童游乐园的设施包括租用的蹦蹦床、障碍物训练垫等大型充气玩具,有专人负责儿童安全;(2) 猜灯谜是富有中华民族风格的传统活动,谜语不仅能启迪智慧,而且有精美奖品等着你啊!中秋节吃月饼是华美协会的传统,希望圆圆的月饼系着我们浓浓的相思,带给我们美美的祝福(月饼发放以2014年会员名单为准);(3)文艺表演通过音乐、舞蹈等艺术形式展现三镇华人的风采,同时通过互动节目给大家带去更多欢乐。
活动时间:2014年9月6日下午 4:00-7:00 儿童游乐园
4:00-5:00 猜灯谜,领月饼
5:00-6:30 文艺演出
活动地点:Howard Amon Park 露天舞台及其周围草坪
地址:900 Amon Park Rd N, Richland, WA 99352
2014 Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration in Tri-Cities
Dear TCCAA members,
Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. The best way to soak in the mood is to get together with friends and family, and share the joy of the festival. TCCAA is organizing a celebration on the afternoon of Saturday, September 6th. Please join us in the beautiful Howard Amon Park near Columbia River for a wonderful afternoon.
There will be fun activities for kids, including Happy Face Jump and Dry Obstacle Course and slide. We will also have lantern riddles and performances, including dancing and singing. Free moon cakes will be provided for 2014 valid members.
Time: September 6th, 2014 4:00-7:00 pm Fun kids activities
4:00-5:00 pm Lantern riddles
5:00-6:30 pm Performance
Place: Outdoor stage in Howard Amon Park
Address: Howard Amon Park, 900 Amon Park Rd N, Richland, WA 99352
TCCAA will provide drinks and snacks for members, please bring chairs or cushions by yourselves.
We wish you and your family have a wonderful Mid-Autumn Festival in advance! 三镇华美协会 Tri-Cities Chinese American Association