Dear Friends, Thanks for those who already registered the Annual Church Retreat event on Labor Day Weekend. To date we have about 135 people complete their retreat registration and still have rooms to accommodate more people. So we extend the due date from 8/17 to 8/24 (Sunday).
If you have not arranged, please consider this opportunity and you still can chose Ross Camp either staying in Hotel-like dome or Cabin or Camping to spend your Labor Day long weekend with family and friends in a forest along Spokane river. Also you are welcomed to the evangelical event at 7:30 pm, the following Friday night (8/29), starting 6:30 pm we have Family Garden prepared Dinner for all of us. Please bring your family and invite your friends to come. Details of events, please see previous-announced letter below. Sincerely,
Albert Hu TCCAC Retreat Coordinator
三𨫋華人宣道會於勞動節週末安排了兩個活動,欢迎大家参加。一是長周末前週五晚上(8/29, 7:30 pm)在教會舉行的福音佈道會: 福音与人生 (Flyer: http://tccac.org/2014evangelical.pdf ). 晚會有詩歌, 有見証,有主题分享,会前 6:30 pm 並備有精简晚餐。来自洛杉矶的講員王峙軍牧师是基督教 “生命季刊” 的創辦人和主編. 另一是長周末三天兩夜在 ROSS POINT 營地的退修會:十字架與門徒生活 (Flyer: http://tccac.org/2014RetreatFlyer.pdf ). 該營地巧屋雅舍散置,沐浴在参天古木之林,蜿蜒於清澈壯濶之流; 宅居遊走其間,令人心懭神怡,寧静致遠。講員王牧師将連續四埸闡述基督救恩的精髓;逐步進深 "福音與人生" 所指十字架的生命與生活。(退修會膳宿報名表: http://tccac.org/2014RetreatRegistration.pdf). 报名截止日期为08-24-2014. 报名联系人:胡大中,联系电话:509-3753002,Email:alberthu7@gmail.com.