馮秉誠牧師福音佈道會-Evangelistic meeting with Pastor Bing-Cheng Feng
下周五(05/02/2014)《遊子吟》的作者馮秉誠牧師將在三鎮華人宣道會舉辦福音佈道會,題目為“啟示之光”(請看附件海報)。教會將提供晚餐 (6:30-7:30pm)。布道會將在晚飯後舉行(7:30-9:30pm)。教會將提供兒童看顧(7:30-9:30pm)。
三鎮華人宣道會地址:2004 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99352
Dear Friends:
Next Friday (2014-05-02) an evangelistic meeting will be held in Tri-Cities Chinese Alliance Church. Pastor Bing-Cheng Feng will be our speaker. The title of his lecture is "The Light of Revelation". The church will provide dinner from 6:30-7:30pm. The lecture will be from 7:30-9:30pm. Chidren's care will be provided.
Our address: 2004 George Washington Way, Richland, WA 99352.
You are cordially invited. Please also invite your friends to join us.
Tri-Cities Chinese Alliance Church