2013中秋晚会 Moon Festival Celebration
协会将在9月21日星期六晚6:30在Handford High School 礼堂举行中秋晚会。愿大家能共聚一堂,用歌声、诗篇、舞蹈和音乐一起抒发对亲情和友情的赞叹和珍重。
2013年度的协会会员还将收到协会定制的中秋月饼,请与5:30-6:30 pm间到场领取。节目准时于6:30开始。
Dear Friends,
The 2013 Tri-Cities Moon Festival Performance organized by the local Tri-Cities Chinese American Association (TCCAA) will be held on Sept. 21, 6:30pm in the Hanford High School Auditorium. Folk dances and songs will be performed to celebrate this traditional Chinese festival. You and your families are cordially invited to attend this joyful event.
PS: TCCAA Members can pick up moon cakes from 5:30 to 6:30pm. Performance will start at 6:30pm. TCCAA