Ticket Information: 首届三镇之夏华人音乐会 (The First TCCAA Summer Concert)
Dear Friends,
On July 27th, world-renowned violinist Siqing Lu will perform alongside his brothers, Siyuan (Frank) Lu and Sihong Lu, at the Kamiakin High School auditorium from 7:00pm to 8:30pm. Also featured in the concert are Samson Lu, Linda Lu, Liangying Lu, Diana Wang, and other students from Frank's Violin Studio. All funds raised by this event will be used to cover concert expenses, and any excess will be saved for future TCCAA cultural and artistic activities.
Tickets are on a donation basis, with a minimum of $15 for Section A and $10 for Section B. To pay for a seat, please go to http://tccaa.ticketleap.com/2013concert/(also accessible for Android and iPhone via the TicketLeap App). Please bring printed tickets or e-tickets on the day of event.
Thank you,
TCCAA and Frank’s Violin Studio
由三镇华美协会和三镇著名小提琴家吕思渊的Frank’s Violin Studio联合主办的首届三镇之夏华人音乐会将于7月27日晚7-8:30在Kamiakin High School Auditorium (600 N. Arthur Street, Kennewick)上演。世界著名小提琴家吕思清将与他的同为小提琴家的兄弟们吕思渊和吕思泓同台表演。同时参演的有 Samson Lu, Linda Lu, Liangying Lu, Diana Wang 以及来自于Frank's Violin Studio的其他学生们。
本次音乐会是一次公益演出, 音乐会入场券由捐款方式获得,所筹到的捐款除了租用音乐会场地及其它必要费用外,剩余部分将成为用于丰富三镇文化事业的三镇华美协会文艺活动基金。我们建议的最低捐款为:前排座位每个$15,后排座位每个$10。订票网站为:http://tccaa.ticketleap.com/2013concert/. (也可使用 TicketLeap 的 Android or iPhone App)。音乐会当天请带好打印或电子的音乐会入场券。
三镇华美协会及Frank’s Violin Studio