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我们非常高兴地向大家宣布三镇华美协会将联合三镇著名小提琴家吕思渊的Frank’s Violin Studio于7月27日晚7-8:30举办首届三镇之夏华人音乐会。我们特别邀请到了来美访问的世界著名小提琴家,吕思清,在这次音乐会中为大家献上精彩绝伦的音乐盛宴。他的同为小提琴家的兄弟们吕思渊和吕思泓将与他同台表演。本次音乐会将是吕家兄弟三人成年后在世界上的首次同台演出,敬请大家期待。本次音乐会是一次公益演出,参加演出的吕家三兄弟主动提出为本次活动无偿义演,以促进三镇华人社区对文艺的热爱。 本次音乐会所筹到的捐款除了租用音乐会场地及其它必要费用外,剩余部分将成为用于丰富三镇文化事业的三镇华美协会文艺活动基金,譬如可以把夏天音乐会发展为传统活动,可以给三镇所有热爱音乐艺术的华人提供一个展示才华的舞台。首届三镇之夏音乐节将于7月27日晚7:00-8:30在Kamiakin High School Auditorium (600 N. Arthur Street, Kennewick)举办。具体活动细节以及音乐会入场券的获得方式将随后公布。


吕思清1969年11月出生于山东省青岛市。著名小提琴家。17岁时获得国际小提琴艺术最高奖——意大利帕格尼尼小提琴大赛金奖,成为第一位获得该奖的东方人。这位被国际权威音乐杂志《The Strad》誉为“难得一见的天才”的杰出中国小提琴家,是拿索斯远东录音公司旗下的专属签约演奏家。吕思清1973年4岁开始学习小提琴。1977年8岁被中央音乐学院破格录取,成为该校有史以来年龄最小的学生,被人誉为“乐坛神童”。1980年11岁时被耶胡迪•梅纽因召收入英国伦敦耶胡迪•梅纽因小提琴音乐学校,1987年荣获帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛金奖。1989年赴美国朱利亚德学院深造。吕思清在世界各地登台演出并曾赢得过北京、英国及美国的多个国际比赛奖项,使用一把维尼亚夫斯基生前演奏用的斯特拉迪瓦里小提琴。吕思清演出的中外小提琴名曲,包括帕格尼尼小提琴协奏曲、孟德爾頌小提琴协奏曲和梁祝协奏曲等。


Frank’s Violin Studio

The First Tri-cities Chinese American Summer Concert

The Lu’s Brothers Violin Concert

Dear Friends,

We are very excited to announce that TCCAA and Frank’s Violin Studio will host the first Tri-cities Chinese American Summer Concert at the Kamiakin High School Auditorium from 7:00pm to 8:30pm on July 27th. It is our great honor to have the world-famous violinist, Siqing Lu, who will be visiting Tri-cities during that time, perform with his two violinist brothers, Siyuan (Frank) Lu and Sihong Lu. It will be for the first time ever that the three brothers perform together on the same stage since their adulthood. Their family members and Frank’s students will join them performing as well. This event will be a charity concert. The three violinists volunteered to perform in this concert in order to enrich the cultural and art activities in our community. All funds raised will be used to first cover the concert expenses, and the rest will contribute to a fund managed by TCCAA for future cultural and art activities . For example, we may continue to host summer concerts in the coming years, focusing on different instruments, so that all talented musicians can have the opportunity to show their talents. Again, The Concert will be held on July 27, 7:00-8:30 pm, at the Kamiakin High School Auditorium. Please mark your calendar, and the details about this event and tickets will be announced soon.

A brief introduction of the world class violinist, Siqing Lu:

Siqing Lu (Chinese: 吕思清; born 1969 in Qingdao, Shandong) is a Chinese violinist. He began studying the violin at the age of four, and at age eight, he was accepted at the Central Conservatory of Music and became the youngest person to study there. When he was 11, Lu was selected by Yehudi Menuhin to study at the Yehudi Menuhin School in Surrey, England. After returning to China in 1985, he appeared as a member of several major Chinese orchestras, and made guest appearances on Chinese television programmes, including the Chinese New Year Show watched by over one billion people. In 1994, he performed at the Beijing Concert Hall in front of the President of the Republic of China. He currently holds the post of Director of the Violin Department at Naxos International, the CD company which records and distributes his music. Lü has received recognition as a professional violinist. In 1987, he won the first prize of the Paganini Competition; and in 1999, he was the winner of the Web Concert Hall International Competition. He plays the Guarneri del Gesù "Wieniawski" on loan from the Stradivari Society.

Tri-cities Chinese American Associate

Frank’s Violin Studio

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