中秋晚會圓滿舉行Mid-Autumn Celebration held successfully
2012年三鎮華美協會中秋節晚會于九月二十九日在Hanford高中禮堂隆重舉行,來自各界、各國朋友齊歡聚,同慶中華兒女的傳統節日。此次晚會特邀嘉賓:中國總領事館高占生總領事、夫人王燕來、領事黃志華、副領事梅尤,華盛頓州参議員Jerome Delvin和夫人Josie Delvin,裡奇蘭市市長John Fox和經濟發展經理Gary Ballew參加并發表講話。這台晚會節目經過長時間周密的策劃、緊張的排練、細緻的組織,最終呈現給全體來賓和朋友精彩紛呈、耳目一新的節目。這次晚會,協會發動了全體華人社區、美國社區,多人參與,一同為晚會貢獻力量,一起共度了團圓美好的中秋佳節。在此,協會向全體台前幕後付出辛苦勞動和努力的工作人員表示最衷心的感謝!沒有你們的努力,不會有這次晚會的圓滿舉行!就像晚會結束曲《相親相愛》所唱:因為我們是一家人,相親相愛的一家人,彼此體諒和包容,也一定能讓華人社區更加團結相愛,有更大的發展,不但增進會員之間的友誼,也為中國和美國的交流做出更大貢獻!
2012 Mid-Autumn Celebration Party was held successfully in Hanford High School on September 29th. People from many communities and countries celebrated it together. We invited some guests to attend the party. They were Consul General Zhansheng Gao, his wife Yanlai Wang, Consul Zhihuang Huang, and You Mei from Consulate General of P.R.China in San Francisco, Washington Senator Jerome Delvin and Josie Delvin, Mayor John Fox and Manager Gary Ballew from City of Richland. All the co-workers are from Chinese community and American community. We put a lot of effort and time to organize this event. We appreciate the help from each of you. We couldn't make it happen without your help. Thank you very much! It is like the last song of the party "Love each other": Because we are families, we love each other, adn care each other. We believe that we will make our community better and promote the relationship more between China and the U.S. in the near future.
Please click here for the photos. Mid-Autumn Festival Photos
We finished organzing the videos.